Student conduct
Saint Martin's University believes in honoring the freedom of the individual and respecting the rights of the group. A Code of Student Conduct is necessary to ensure this is possible. As a Roman Catholic university, Saint Martin's not only expects students, staff and faculty to follow appropriate civil laws, but also encourages each individual to participate in building a positive and welcoming community.
A student attending Saint Martin’s University agrees to be governed by this Code of Student Conduct, hereafter referred to as the Code, as well as by other applicable University policies. The University, through authority given by the University President to the Dean of Student Affairs, maintains the exclusive authority to determine violations of the Code and to impose sanctions.
The Student Conduct process is an educational process. Through engagement in the process, students will ideally:
- Gain and articulate an understanding of university policies.
- Examine their own personal values.
- Gain and articulate an understanding of their behavior’s impact upon individuals and the Saint Martin's University community
- Recognize a need for behavioral change.
- Formulate an action plan to meet the community expectations of Saint Martin's University during their academic career and beyond.
For ease of access, this website provides an abridged version of the Student Conduct process, policies, and procedures. Please see the full text of the Student Handbook for additional information.
Understanding the student conduct process
This section provides a general overview of how the student conduct process operates for cases involving allegations of student misconduct (adjudicatory processes), for cases involving no allegations of student misconduct (non-adjudicatory processes), and for cases involving allegations of student misconduct where additional factors provide a possibility of a combination of adjudicatory (formal) and non-adjudicatory (informal) processes.
While the University endeavors to operate with consistency in its management of student conduct matters, these procedures are flexible, given that not all situations are of the same severity or complexity. The Coordinator of Student Conduct, operating in consultation with the Dean of Student Affairs or designee, will have the final authority over the processing of each student conduct case.
Click here to view an illustrated version of the overall Student Conduct Process
For ease of access, the following is an abdriged version of the Student Conduct Process. Please see the full text of the Student Handbook for additional information.