Commuter students playing pool in the Trautman Union Building lounge

Commuting & Working Professionals

The greater South Puget Sound area, including Lacey, Olympia, and Lakewood, has many affordable housing options for students. If you choose to live off campus, Saint Martin's offers many resources to support commuting students. Our commuting students include undergraduate commuters, graduate students, non-traditional students, students with children and transfer students. We have many facilities, resources and programs to make the campus your home away from home.


Lounges and lockers

We have lounges in the Campus Ministry office and the Trautman Union Building (TUB). The Campus Ministry lounge in Old Main Room 316 is convenient for a quick break between classes on the hill. Come by and grab a cup of coffee, or stay awhile and relax. The TUB, close to classrooms in Harned Hall and Cebula Hall, provides spaces for students to bring and microwave their lunch, study, and socialize with other students. The first Wednesday of each month, from 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m., we provide breakfast and lunch in the TUB to encourage commuters to meet one another.

We also have lockers in the TUB, which students can request to rent at the beginning of each semester. To request a locker, contact the Office of Campus Life.

Parking and transportation

As a commuter student, you can obtain a parking permit from the Office of Public Safety to use our campus parking lots. Also, all Saint Martin’s undergraduate students can use their student ID to ride local routes of Intercity Transit, the public transportation provider for Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater and Yelm, free of charge.

Questions or need additional assistance?

Office of Campus Life

The Office of Campus Life coordinates a wide range of services and activities to connect you to the Saint Martin's community, whether you are an incoming freshman or an outgoing senior. We are a resource for life outside of the classroom — promoting and encouraging students to engage in a variety of curricular and co-curricular experiences and opportunities.