Students study with flashcards in Kathleen Allen's Primary Literacy class.
Certificate & Non-Degree

Post-baccalaureate Teacher Certification Program

For those who already have a bachelor's degree, the post-baccalaureate certification-only program at Saint Martin's University provides the opportunity to earn Washington State teacher certification without earning a master's degree.

Why Saint Martin's University?

The program is a 59-67 credit hour non-degree program offered during days, evenings, summers and weekends. You may have credits that transfer from your bachelor's degree that allow you to waive courses, make sure to ask about transfer credits. The total number of credit hours varies depending on the certification:

  • Elementary education certification
    • 67 credit hours (includes certification and an elementary endorsement)
  • Secondary education certification
    • 49 credit hours (includes certification and a secondary content area endorsement)
  • Special education certification
    • 59-61 credit hours (includes certification and a SED endorsement)

Note: Pre-requirements and/or endorsement courses may be in addition to these totals.

Additional endorsement

In addition to the primary endorsement, students are required to complete at least one additional endorsement. The additional endorsement may be earned either at Saint Martin's University or elsewhere. The number of credit hours vary depending on what endorsement you are working towards and whether class requirements over lap with your primary endorsement.

Students in this program can register for graduate credit for several select courses rather than for their undergraduate equivalents. On satisfactory completion of the certification program and subsequent application and successful admission to the Master of Education Program, the graduate-level credits will apply toward the MED degree. Once these courses start, students are not permitted to change registration between the undergraduate and graduate course levels. Those interested in the program should consult the academic catalog's undergraduate section for application and certification requirements.

Post-baccalaureate Teacher Certification Program at a Glance

Program Type
Main (Lacey)
Type of Instruction
In Person
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College of Education and Counseling

The College of Education and Counseling is committed to educating dynamic, engaged, and culturally responsive leaders. Our graduates step into their schools, organizations, government agencies and nonprofits ready to engage with their communities in a way that honors and celebrates diversity in the spirit of Benedictine values. Join us in this important work - grounded in mission and driven by a vision of equitable education for all!

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