Before you can receive a final grade for your internship you are required to complete a final employer evaluation, reflection paper, and exit interview.
Final employer evaluation:
Your final employer evaluation will determine 70% of your internship grade. The evaluation must be submitted to the internship director no later than two weeks prior to the end of the semester.
Your employer will be asked to rate your performance on this form. You are responsible for assuring your employer completes and submits your evaluation to your internship coordinator. Your employer certifies the number of contact hours you have completed during the internship period (the scholastic period). You must meet or exceed the required number of hours stated in the contract (from 50 to 300 depending on the credits requested
Reflection paper:
Your internship reflection paper will determine 30% of your internship grade. Your reflection paper must be submitted to the internship director no later than two weeks prior to the end of the semester.
Your reflection paper should addresses the progress you have made in obtaining your stated internship objectives. Your reflection paper should be 5-8 pages long, double spaced.
Exit interview:
A brief 30 minute exit interview is the final step in the internship process. It is your responsibility to schedule either a telephone interview or meeting between you, your employer, and the internship director. This meeting should take place after you have submitted your final employer evaluation and reflection paper.
Possible penalties:
Late submission of the internship contract may result in failure to obtain course approval. Late submission of the final employer evaluation and/or the reflection paper may result in a failing grade. Termination of employment prior to completing the number of contract hours may result in a failing grade. No grade of "incomplete" will be given for internship credit(s).