Saint Martin's is committed to providing all the information necessary for a researcher to conduct successful and safe research. If any questions remain unanswered, please contact a board member with any questions, comments, or concerns. 

Frequently asked questions

In summary, investigations conducted at or sponsored by Saint Martin's University that involve the use of human subjects must adhere to the codes of ethics, policies, and procedures set forth in this document. Some of the key requirements are the following:

  1. Projects should be carefully designed to minimize risk to the subjects and to anticipate risk.

  2. Participation of human beings as subjects in research must be voluntary.

  3. Consent processes and documentation must conform to the IRB requirements and comply with applicable law and sponsor guidelines.

  4. Confidentiality of identifiable information is presumed and must be maintained unless the investigator obtains express permission of the subject to do otherwise.

  5. All research projects involving human subjects must be submitted for prior review unless certain specified instructional exemption criteria are fully met. (The checklist may be used to assist in determining whether a project must be reviewed by the IRB).

Any person may conduct appropriately approved research. However, a qualified faculty or staff member must supervise any research project involving human subjects and is responsible for monitoring the conduct of the research. A qualified faculty member must hold the rank of instructor or above. A qualified staff member is one who holds an equivalent rank.​

In order to determine whether or not the research proposed meets the criteria for approval set by Saint Martin's University and certain sponsoring agencies, all research involving human subjects must be submitted for prior review, unless the only involvement of human subjects is in an instructional project which fits within one or more of the exemption categories set forth in the policy and standards. To assist investigators in determining whether their project is exempt from review, the checklist should prove helpful.

Compliance with ethical and professional standards governing the use of human subjects at Saint Martin's University is an important shared responsibility. The primary responsibility for the subjects in research necessarily lies with the investigator(s) and project supervisor(s). The responsibility for review of human subjects research is the province of the University’s Institutional Review Board.

Determine the required level of IRB review by following the checklist found in the IRB Review Levels Guideline.