Application process

Steps to apply

Use the following guidelines and forms to put together your IRB application. A complete application is submitted to the IRB Chair (a paper copy and an electronic PDF). The application should include:

  1. A signed cover sheet.
  2. An IRB Protocol Preparation Guide.
  3. Questionnaires, interview formats, or survey instruments.
  4.  Research proposal or grant application ( if available; without fiscal info).
  5. Appropriate consent (see below for guidance).

Use the guidelines and templates below to construct the appropriate consent form(s). They should be edited to reflect your project (i.e. remove generic language).

  1. Research only involving a survey or questionnaire (paper or web-based) may use a modified or Implied Consent Form.
  2. Research involving active participation of subjects (interviews, etc.) will use an Active Participant Consent Form.
  3. Research involving minors (under 18) or incompetent adults must use a Parental/Guardian Consent Form in addition to the standard consent form.

The Level of IRB review will be determined by the board. The categories include Full Board, Exempt or Expedited.

Email all documentation to IRB email inbox, and drop off the signed paper copy to the IRB chair. 
View a list of the current board members and chair