Dean, Hal and Inge Marcus School of Engineering
Interim Director of JBLM Operations
Professor, Engineering
- 360-688-2732
Cebula 102A
"Non enim erubesco Evangelium." Ro1:16
Areas of Expertise
- Reliability analysis and engineering systems
- Engineering foundational issues
- Quality control
Ph.D., Statistics, University of Minnesota
M.S., Mathematics (minor in industrial engineering), University of Minnesota
M.S., Statistics, University of Minnesota
B.S., Mathematics, U.S. Military Academy
I am delighted to have joined Saint Martin's University as Dean of the Hal and Inge Marcus School of Engineering in the summer of 2015. Previously, I was Professor of Systems Engineering at the Naval Postgraduate School. I chaired the Department of Systems Engineering for five years, and was the campus-wide elected Chair of the NPS Faculty under our shared governance model. I am a successful research entrepreneur, having served as the principal investigator in over $6M in sponsored projects in the past five years. My research areas have been reliability engineering, systems engineering foundational issues, and engineering curricular development. I have served on four doctoral committees. I have been the thesis or capstone advisor for over 90 masters students. I am a commissioner on the ABET Engineering Accreditation Commission following service as an alternate member of the ABET Board of Directors, and have chaired five ABET visits, and have been assistant chair for two WASC visits. I am a Fellow of the American Council on Education. I have served on the board of advisors for the Department of Systems Engineering at the Military Academy. I am on the Corporate Advisory Board for INCOSE and also serve on its Academic Council.
Select publications
- Judge’s Commentary: The Outstanding National Water Strategy Papers. David Olwell. The UMAP Journal. Vol 34 . Nos. 2&3, pp. 189-196. 2013.
- The Systems Engineering Body of Knowledge V1.0. Ed. Art Pyster and David Olwell. Castle Point, NJ: Stevens Institute, 2012. (
- The Graduate Reference Curriculum for Systems Engineering V1.0. Ed. Art Pyster and David Olwell. Castle Point, NJ: Stevens Institute, 2012. (
- Statistics and Counter-Terrorism. Ed. Alyson Wilson, Gregory Wilson, and David Olwell. New York: Springer. 2006.
- Cumulative Sum Charts and Charting for Quality Improvement. Douglas M. Hawkins and David H. Olwell. New York: Springer Verlag. 1998.