One of the great traditional halls at Saint Martin's
One of Saint Martin’s original residence halls, Baran Hall was renovated in 2011 to create spacious single and double rooms with community baths for sophomores, juniors, seniors and graduate students.
About Baran
Baran Hall is a traditional residence hall that features spacious single rooms and community baths. The Great Room, Baran Hall's community living room, is a popular student destination which includes a full kitchen, and is the host to meetings, movie nights, floor dinners, video game competitions, dances and educational discussions. Baran also features computer labs, study lounges, laundry facilities, wireless internet, cable access in each room, and proximity card security locks on all exterior doors.
Office of Housing and Residence life
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our office, we would be happy to speak with you!
Spangler Hall
(main office for Spangler, Baran and Burton)
Parsons Hall