
Office of Campus Ministry

What we do

Campus Ministry at Saint Martin’s University accompanies and supports you as you explore and grow spiritually through experiences that are rooted in our core values of faith, reason, service and community. Together with our monastic community, student affairs and academic partners, community-based volunteer and immersion service opportunities, we are dedicated to hospitality for all without exception, as we promote and share the many gifts flowing from our Benedictine charism and Catholic faith.

Contact Information

Get involved with Campus Ministry


Fr. Peter reads in religious robes to a semicircle of students with bowed heads

Prayer and worship

Join us for our weekly events during Fall and Spring Semesters

Sunday at 1:30 p.m. - Reconciliation, Abbey Church

Sunday at 2 p.m. - Sunday Mass, Abbey Church

Monday-Friday at 4:45 p.m. - Daily Mass, Abbey Church

Monday-Thursday 8:30-10:30 a.m. - Free coffee with Campus Ministry, Old Main 316

Select Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m. - Coffee, donuts and fellowship, Old Main 316 and other locations

Monastic Hours and Mass - Daily, Abbey Church, click this link for the current schedule

Students in aprons serve food in a line at community kitchen

Serve the community 

Year-round volunteer opportunities for service with our community:

Community Kitchen

Saint Martin's University Farm

Thurston County Food Bank

Advocacy, learning and service opportunities with our university CRS Chapter (Catholic Relief Services). Fill out the Catholic Relief Services interest form.

Learn more about service and community engagement at Saint Martin's

Saint Martin's students pose outside of the Dolores Mission during their spring break immersion trip in 2023
SMU students on spring break immersion in front of Dolores Mission, Los Angeles

Service Immersion experiences with Saint Martin's

Saint Martin's students explore new horizons through relationships with others in vulnerable communities through service immersions. This year students enrolled in the course ED495: Social Justin in Action to learn about service in preparation for spring break immersions in Los Angeles at Homeboy Industries/Dolores Mission and Tacoma at L'Arche Tahoma Hope. They explored complex issues, built strong relationships, and were forever impacted on their ongoing journey of becoming. Contact us to learn more.

Catholic College of Distinction 24-25 badge

Catholic College of Distinction

Saint Martin's was named a Catholic College of Distinction for 2024-25.

Read the press release

Explore Office of Campus Ministry

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