“Listen carefully, my child, to your master’s precepts, and incline the ear of your heart.”
So begins the Rule of Saint Benedict, which has shaped the lives of Benedictine monks since the sixth century. For more than 100 years, Saint Martin’s students have been listening “with the ear of their hearts.”
For many Saint Martin’s alumni, campus and classroom life was shaped by a strong monastic presence. Today, the Abbey remains the soul of the campus, but the monastic community is shrinking. The Benedictine Institute provides that valuable connection to our roots, ensuring that we remain true to our heritage even as the nature of higher education changes.
As an integral part of University life, the Benedictine Institute will contribute to the intellectual and spiritual development of Saint Martin’s.
Why the Institute, and why now?
For many Saint Martin’s alumni, campus and classroom life was shaped by a strong monastic presence. Today, the Abbey remains the soul of the campus, but the monastic community is shrinking. The Benedictine Institute will provide that valuable connection to our roots, ensuring that we remain true to our heritage even as the nature of higher education changes.