Arwyn Smalley, Ph.D.

Professor, Chemistry
- 360-688-2670
Ernsdorff Center 136
“Chemistry is kind of like the Force – it surrounds us, and is involved in everything. Our bodies depend on amazing chemistry to work right. Everything that exists is made up of chemicals, and almost everything that happens is happening because of chemical interactions. This is a perfect reason for us to learn as much as we can about it, and it’s why chemistry is so interesting and fun to learn.”
Areas of Expertise
- Material science
- Physical chemistry
- Inorganic chemistry
- Chemical education
Ph.D., University of Oregon
M.S., University of Oregon
B.S., Western Washington University
I’m a Pacific Northwest native, and I live in Seattle with my husband, two sons, and various pets. In addition to playing with my family, I enjoy creating delicious food (and eating it, of course), knitting, beading, and any other crafts that I get to try. I gain great satisfaction from ripping morning glory and blackberries out of my yard. Thank goodness we have an unlimited supply around here. I spend my free time dancing with my belly dance troupe or spending time outside enjoying nature. I’m very pleased to say that I’ve been a member of the faculty at SMU since 2008, and I find great fulfillment and happiness through my teaching here.
- Q. Lin, A. L. E. Smalley, D. C. Johnson, J. Martin, G. S. Nolas. “Synthesis of the Compounds LnxCo4Ge6Se6 (Ln = Ce, Eu, Yb)”, Chemistry of Materials 2007, 19 (26), 6615-6620
- A. L. E. Smalley, D. C. Johnson. “Incomplete Crystallization of Skutterudies”, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 2006, 886, 381-386
- A. L. E. Smalley, M. L. Jespersen, D. C. Johnson. “The Synthesis and Structural Evolution of RuSb3, a New Metastable Skutterudite compound”, Inorganic Chemistry 2004, 43 (8), 2486-2490
- A. L. E. Smalley, B. Howe, D. C. Johnson. “The Synthesis of Ce-filled CoSb3 and Characterization of its Magnetic and Structural Properties”, Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings 2004, 793, 413-418
- R. Chen, M. Yoon, A. Smalley, D. C. Johnson, D. R. Tyler. “Investigation of the Origin of Tensile Stress-Induced Rate Enhancements in the Photochemical Degradation of Polymers”, Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2004, 126 (10), 3054-3055
- A. L. E. Smalley, S. Kim, D. C. Johnson. “The Effects of Composition and Annealing on the Electrical Properties of CoSb3”, Chemistry of Materials 2003, 15, 3847-3851
- J. R. Williams, A. L. E. Smalley, H. Sellinschegg, C. Daniels-Hafer, J. Harris, M. B. Johnson, D. C. Johnson. “Synthesis of Crystalline Skutterudite Superlattices Using the Modulated Elemental Reactant Method” Journal of the American Chemical Society 2003, 125 (34), 10335-10341
- P. A. Berseth, T. A. Hughes, R. Schneidmiller, A. Smalley, D. C. Johnson. “Low temperature synthesis using modulated elemental reactants: a new metastable ternary compound, NixMoSe2” Solid State Sciences 2002, 4, 717-722
- H. Sellinschegg, A. Smalley, G. Yoon, D. C. Johnson, G. S. Nolas, M. Kaeser, T. M. Tritt. “Synthesis of Filled Skutterudite Compounds With Varied Degree of Filling” Proceedings from the International Conference on Thermoelectrics 1999, 18, 352-355