Tutoring Center

Tutoring for Success

Four students sit around a table, tutors assisting students with work on their laptops

I gained a lot of knowledge through the certification provided by CRLA and the tutoring center. I highly recommend taking the time to complete the training as a tutor and knowledge to take with you after graduation.

Rebecca Nilson '23
Nursing Tutor

The Saint Martin's University Center for Student Success is pleased to announce that the Peer Tutoring Program has been awarded certification as a Level 1 certified tutor training program by the internationally recognized College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA). 

“I gained a lot of knowledge through the certification provided by CRLA and the tutoring center. The program was easy to complete and useful for the unique situations you may encounter as a tutor,” shares Rebecca Nilson, nursing tutor. “I highly recommend taking the time to complete the training as a tutor and knowledge to take with you after graduation."  

For more than thirty years CRLA has been a leader in learning assistance, reading, and academic support programs with 1,300 members and over 2,000 certified training programs worldwide. Now granted CRLA certification, the Center for Student Success has the authority to recognize their tutors as having met the approved International Tutor Training Program Certification (ITTPC) program requirements. 

"CRLA certification guarantees that the tutoring services at SMU meet the international standards of the tutoring profession," said Saint Martin's Director of Academic Support, Julie Yamamoto. "It is a great accomplishment for the Center and our tutors, who can take this credential with them beyond SMU into their professional lives." 

The Center for Student Success has worked hard to develop a tutor training program that meets CRLA’s rigorous standards and has successfully completed the ITTPC peer review process. Achieving certification means that the Center for Student Success has met CRLA’s high standards for tutor selection, training, direct service, and evaluation as an integral part of their overall tutoring program. Please join us in congratulating the academic support team and the tutors on a job well done. 
For more information: 
Andrew Garcia
Assistant Director, Academic Support  