A gathering place for your library-related questions.

Finding, requesting, and renewing library materials
Print books can be searched for through the Saints Search library catalog.
Once you find the record for the book that you want, look for the call number listed in the Saints search record and located on the spine of every book (example: Chicago Manual of Style call # is Z253 .U69 2010). Not sure how to read and track down a call #? Drop by the reference desk on the main level of the Library, and talk to one of the Library's student workers.
Items held by Saint Martin's will have text under the title specifying "Available at O'Grady Library" followed by the location and call number. If an item instead says "Check Summit and ILL availability", it can be requested through Summit. Selecting the resource's title will bring you into the full record, where you can then select the "Request via Summit (about 5 days)" link to request the book.
The Abbey's library collection can be searched directly in Saints Search. If you find a book that says "Available at Abbey Library", you can select the title to open the full record, and then select "Place a Hold" to have it delivered to the O'Grady Library circulation desk.
You can request books from the O'Grady library or from other participating Summit Institution libraries through Saints Search. For an item owned by the O'Grady Library, select the title to open the full record, and then select the "Place a Hold" link. For a book owned by other Summit libraries, click the "Request via Summit (about 5 days)" link.
Saint Martin's faculty, students, staff, members of the monastic community, and Summit visiting patrons can have up to 200 items checked out to their library records.
Community patrons (monk card holders) may have up to five books checked out at a time.
There are no renewals for O'Grady or Abbey Library items checked out to students, staff and community members.
Faculty receive one auto-renewal for O'Grady and Abbey Library items checked out to their accounts.
Summit items are not renewable.
Interlibrary loan items
Renewals can be requested once for interlibrary library loan items, but are not guaranteed and are completely dependent on the lending library. Request a renewal by logging into your interlibrary loan account and selecting the "renew" button to the right of the book. This will give you an extra 5 days courtesy renewal, and more if the lending library approves the request.
Saint Martin's faculty, staff and students
O'Grady books, CDs, cassettes, and kits check out for the semester
O'Grady videos and media equipment check out for 6 days
Surface Pro tablets have same day check-out. The tablet must be returned by closing the same day it is checked out
Summit books: 6 weeks
Summit videos: 6 days
Interlibrary loan items are determined by the lending library but are typically 4 weeks
Course reserve items: 3 hours or 3 days depending on the class
Study/media rooms: 3 hours
Community patrons (monk card holders) may check books out for up to six weeks.
You can log into your interlibrary loan account from the main library webpage, or from within a number of different library resources like ProQuest databases, EBSCO databases and Saints Search. When full-text is not available in Saints Search or another database, you will usually see a link that says "Request via Interlibrary Loan". You can schedule a research consultation to have someone walk you through the process in person or over the phone if you are having difficulty.
Printing, scanning and technology
Check out our detailed instructions for printing from your personal computer here.
Each fall and spring semester, every student has $10.00 loaded to their campus print account. If you exceed that credit during the semester, you may purchase refill cards of $2, $5, or $10 increments at the O'Grady Library circulation desk (cash, check, or credit cards accepted). These cards contain a code that can be loaded to your account at print.stmartin.edu. If you prefer to have a different amount loaded directly to your account, please stop by the CRC (Computer Resource Center) located in Old Main 350.
Please see the equipment for checkout page which has a full list of available equipment.
Current versions of Microsoft Windows and Office are available to all current students, staff and faculty. The Integrated Technology Services department maintains links to access and download Microsoft products.
If you have a questions about equipment availability or policies, or you need instruction on using library equipment, you can contact the library circulation department by email or call 360-688-2260.
If you need assistance with any O’Grady Library software or hardware, submit a help with the following form.
My accounts
To see a list of previous items that you have checked out, log into Saints Search. Under "My Loans", the default view is to see a list of active loans, but you can switch the view to "Previous and historic loans".
To see all items that are currently checked out to your account, log into Saints Search. Under "My Loans," you can quickly move between viewing your loans or requests by using the links at the top of the page. The options include links for viewing:
Fines + fees
Blocks + messages
Personal Details
From the Loans tab, you can alternate between seeing a list of active loans and historic loans. Under My Account/Requests, you can see the status and/or cancel all requests for O'Grady, Abbey or Summit items.
If you wish to see interlibrary loan requests, please login to your interlibrary loan account where you will see a list of all requests from the past 60 days.
Fines begin to accumulate the day after an item is due. Fines can be paid at the circulation desk within four weeks of the date the fine was assessed. We accept credit/debit cards, cash, and checks. After four weeks, fines are sent to student accounts on the second floor of Old Main and must be paid there. Contact the circulation department by email or call 360-688-2260.
Saints Search is the O'Grady Library's primary search tool for finding physical materials in the O'Grady and Abbey collections (books, dvds, equipment), ordering books and DVDs from Summit libraries, as well as a one-stop shop for finding the vast majority of the O'Grady Library's electronic holdings including articles, ebooks and streaming videos.
Summit is a system that allows current students, faculty and staff to borrow books, dvds and more from the 38 Orbis Cascade Alliance institutions in the Pacific Northwest. This agreement between the Orbis Cascade Alliance members provides Saint Martin's with a vast array of regional material via expedited service. Items requested from Summit libraries typically arrive within 3-5 business days and are both findable and requestable via Saints Search.
Interlibrary Loan is the traditional library reciprocal borrowing -- in particular, for articles that we don't have access to as well as physical books, dvds, and other material unavailable from Summit libraries.
The best way to make an appointment for research help is to use the research consultation request form. A library staff member will usually be in contact within one business day to set up a day and time for the appointment. If you have a quick question or are running short on time, you can also drop by the reference desk to talk to a student library assistant or a library staff member.
Study rooms can be reserved by visiting our study room booking page.
The check out period is 3 hours and can be extended if not reserved for other patrons. There is a 15 minute grace period, after which the study room can be checked out to another group.
Library is currently swipe card access only for students, faculty, staff, and members of the monastic community.