About English placement
Who: All students entering Saint Martin’s University who have not already completed a standard first-year writing course at another college or university (i.e., English 101 or equivalent) are required to submit an authentic writing sample before registering for COR 120 or any English courses.
What: The English Department at Saint Martin’s University has developed a writing sample prompt to allow students to provide an authentic writing sample. Students who would benefit from more support or development with writing will enroll in ENG 100: English skills, while others will enroll in COR 120: Critical reading & writing.
When: Once a newly admitted student has made their $200 deposit, they will receive instructions about orientation, advising and registration. During that time the writing sample will be coordinated.
Why: First year writing courses are a key foundation course at Saint Martin’s, so completing the placement early will allow us to help you have the most accurate and complete schedule for fall semester. You want your writing sample to accurately reflect your writing skill.
For more information about English placement, please contact the Center for Student Success at css@stmartin.edu.