Important information about moving in will be going out via Saint Martin's University email to our new and returning Saints over the summer months. The email include information on what to bring, what not to bring, first floor meeting times, etc. If you have additional housing questions, please contact the Housing & Residence Life team.
Housing Follow us on social media
New students
Residence halls will open for new students on August 25-26 from 9AM-3PM. Students will be informed via email of their move-in day and time.
Returning students
Residence halls will open for returning students on August 27-28. Students will select move-in times between 8:00 am and 6:00 pm on both days.
Early arrivals
Students who need to move on campus prior to the general move-in dates will be given information through their specific department or athletic team. Coaches/departments will be communicating with their athletes/student leaders about when they need to report to campus. All students needing to arrive early must complete the Early Move-In Request Form.