Shawn Ritter

Photo of Shawn Ritter

Data Coordinator

“A wise old owl sat on an oak / The more he saw the less he spoke / The less he spoke, the more he heard / Why can’t we be like this wise old bird” - Anonymous


Shawn grew up in Washington State in the Bellevue Kirkland area. He moved to Lacey in 2007 when he was offered a job in the North Fort Youth Center and then promoted to the Stone Education Center. In both locations he taught Military and Department of Defense personnel and family members. When the funds were pulled for the project, Shawn, then started training Corporate Personnel for South Puget Sound Community College in 2011.

Shawn started working as a Data Coordinator for Saint Martin’s University in October of 2014.

Shawn gives back to the community by teaching at a small private school, Sunrise Beach School, on Fridays. He teaches children to young adults, PK – 12, the use of computers and programs. He has been doing this since September 2014.


  • Stone Education Center Certificate of Appreciation - Aug. 29, 2011
  • The office and Soldiers of the 36th Infantry Division and the Texas Army National Guard Certificate of Appreciation - Nov. 2, 2010